
  Fecha: 06 de mayo del 2013

1. The Flattering/Pretty Picture:

This moment is most typically captured by the Facebook user while athome alone. He or she will break out the camera and take anywhere from20-76 selfies before finding the one that shows off their features thebest (Read: the one where they look the hottest.). This photograph canalso be taken by someone else for the sole purpose of getting a goodshot for Facebook. Because why else do people take pictures alone?

2. The Crop-Out-Everyone-Who-Looks-Bad Photo

This photo most often appears among women (who only care how goodthey come out in a group shot). The Facebook member thinks she looksgreat (and that her cleavage is out of control), but everyone else islooking pretty blah. Not wanting to miss out on a top notch Facebookmoment or have strangers wonder which girl she is in said photo, shesloppily crops the rest of the subjects out of the photo.

3. The Funny Drinking Photo:

4. The Artsy Photo:

“Look at me! I’m so artsy! I think a lot. I want everyone to thinkthat I am too cool for Facebook and that I rarely ever think about it,but I went to the beach to play guitar just so I could put this awesomeshot on my FB profile! Did I mention I love playing the guitar?”

5. The Look-at-Me! Photo

This photo allows the Facebook user to show off some amazingaccomplishment – be it winning an award, rocking a jump while skiing,or hanging out with a celebrity – without having to sound like a douchebag who announces it to everyone. Deep down, though, they hope and praythat their wall will fill up with posts of people commenting on thisvery awesome accomplishment.

6. The Happy Couple Photo:

Because once you are in a relationship, that is all that matters. Youridentity is his identity. And aren’t you guys so cute?!!?! So inloooove?! Everyone just needs to know how serious this is.