
  Fecha: 09 de agosto del 2013

All humans must be registered and, when in public, must wear the official city tag and be up to date on their shots.

Please be sure your humans use the public restroom facilities designated for them, and that they are using them appropriately, especially males of the species.

Fire Dog

fire dog

While we don’t feel it necessary, as some have contended, to establish segregated areas in our parks for humans, we do ask that you practice common sense and courtesy.

People-fighting is a felony, whether it is spontaneous or organized, as in the case of what, during the era in which humans ruled the world, was formerly known as war.

Hidden Cat

233 dog humor 13 1602

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Humans cannot be forced to take part in human racing, or to pull sleds in sporting events of a length of more than 100 miles.

While humans may in fact be walking two-legged germ factories, they are allowed to enter bars, restaurants and any business establishment that permits them.

Mr Real Dog

mr real dog

Some humans are unexplainedly aggressive. Not everyone likes humans. And some young dogs are frightened by them. Remember, the park belongs to everyone.

All humans are created equal; discriminating against humans because of their size, shape, sex, age, color, religion, breeding, or how much they drool will not be tolerated.

cleaning plates

Humans will be kept until claimed. In the event a human goes unclaimed, he or she will be put up for adoption.

general smith dog

Dog Lisa from Leaonardo Dog

dog lisa from leaonardo dog

Go and take it

go and take it

dog army

Dog Model

dog model








police dog

many dogs