

He is a photographer in South West England. His subject is an exploration of beauty and dreams. He aims to create pictures which can be appreciated on four levels: the first being an interesting or beautiful subject; the second an abstract design; the third an emotional connection; fourth and the deepest, a link to the hidden shared subconscious that feeds our dreams.

I see more than enough of troubling reality to want to project it further. My work in art photography covers 40 years starting with B&W bleak landscapes through abstract nudes, portraits, dance & theatre to the added dimension of colour and emphasis on personal experience and subconscious mythology. I have used most kinds of equipment and processing - nowadays mostly digital.

Burnett Wood

burnett wood by jonathan charles

Much of his work explores the ideal relationship between mankind and the natural world and female nudes feature especially, partly because they have intrinsic beauty and power and often for the symbolism of the human in a totally natural state as an observer or participant in a landscape.

His work covers a wide range of subjects from deserted landscapes to empathic portraits, treatments from photorealistic to almost pure abstract, media from vibrant colour to absolute black and white.

Artefact and nature

artefact and nature by jonathan charles

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marguerites by jonathan charles

Jenny dans la campagne Charentaise

jenny dans la campagne charentaise by jonathan charles

Wheat field near Gourvillette

wheat field near gourvillette by jonathan charles

On the Road to Gourvillette

on the road to gourvillette by jonathan charles

Jenny sun & breeze

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Mangroves at Hungry Bay

mangroves at hungry bay by jonathan charles