
* Stapes is the smallest bone found in human body. Length of this bone is 0.28 cm.


* The loudest sound produced by any living creature on earth is 188 decibels. The Blue Whale is capable of producing such a loud sound. The sound produced by these whales has been detected 560 miles away from source.
* The number of scars and craters found on moon is much lesser than those found on earth. The constant changes (earthquakes, rain, erosion, wind) which take place on earth are the reason behind this difference.
* World’s most dangerous creature is the housefly. This is on account of the large number of diseases transmitted by houseflies.

house fly

* Insects called fleas are capable of jumping up to 130 times the height of their own body.
* Motor neurons are the longest cells found in the human body. Length of the motor neurons can be up to 1.37 m.
* Winslow, Arizona, is the place where the largest meteorite crater of the world is located.
* Jaw muscles are the most powerful amongst all the muscles in human body. These muscles can produce a force of 200 pounds.
* The total length of blood vessels present in human body is approximately 62,000 miles.

blood vessels

* Total number of bones in the body of children is 300. This number reduces and becomes 206 in adults.
* Wounds present on body if infested with maggots, hold greater chances of healing in quick time. The possibility of infection and spread of gangrene is reduced to a great extent due to the presence of maggots.
* The gray whales are known to cover a distance of 12,500 miles every year, in the event of migration. These whales start of from the Arctic, travel towards Mexico and then return back to Arctic.
* Quantity of Lunar rock brought to the earth amounts for 800 lbs. Surprisingly, most of this lunar materials has remained untested till date.

lunar rock

* Shape of the earth is not perfectly spherical. It has been found that earth is flattened in shape at the poles.
* The softest mineral detected on earth is talc. Hardness of substances is measured on ’Mohs Scale’. Value of talc on this scale is just 1.
* It has been found that the Hawaii islands are moving at a speed of 10 cm year towards Japan. This is due to the fact that Japan and Hawaii lie on separate tectonic plates.
* Most poisonous creatures found on earth are the frogs. These are the poison arrow frogs from Central and South America.
* The American space station which fell to the earth was known as ’Skylab’. During its fall, the Skylab was shattered into thousands of pieces. It was a safe fall since, a large chunk fell into the oceans.
* Lake Mead is the largest man-made lake in the world. The construction of Hoover Dam has resulted into the formation of Lake Mead.
* Length of the Hubble Telescope is 13.1 m. This telescope weighs 12 tons and its total cost is 2.1 billion. More information in the form of 10 weird science facts should be useful.

hubble telescope

* Giant squids are known for their characteristic big eyes. Atlantic Giant Squids possess an eye that is 15.75 inch. wide.
* Mariana Trench of the Pacific Ocean has the deepest part on the earth. Depth of this part is 10,916 m.