
Keiko graduated from high school Sagrados Corazones Recoleta in 1992. The following year she travelled to New York to pursue a bachelors degree in Business Administration. She began her studies in a state university Stony Brook and graduated in 1997 from Boston University. In August 1994 after the divorce of her parents she was appointed First Lady of Peru.

Keiko Sofia Fujimori Higuchi

keiko sofia fujimori higuchi by john stezaker

At 19 years old while still being a student she became the youngest First Lady of the Americas. From April 1994 to November 2000 she assumed the administration of Fundacion por los Ninos del Peru (Foundation for the Children of Peru) created Fundacion Peruana Cardioinfantil (Peruvian Foundation for Infant Cardiology) and dedicated her activities to help low income families nationwide. She convoked the Peruvian business community to contribute to her social projects.

keiko fujimori by john stezaker

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Philanthropy By the year 2000 Keiko Fujimori had achieved the construction of several orphanages across the country the creation of the first pediatric cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit in Peru and the surgeries of more than one thousand children with heart problems. In 2000 she received the Orden Bernardo OHiggings the highest honor a foreigner could receive from the Chilean Government in recognition of her social accomplishments.

keiko fujimori has conducted herself as a serious politician by john stezaker

Keiko poses with boxing gloves after a campaign meeting with Peru’s WBA women’s super featherweight

keiko poses with boxing gloves after a campaign meeting with perus wba womens super featherweight by john stezaker

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and Keiko Fujimori

keiko fujimori by john stezaker

Ollanta Humala and Keiko Fujimori celebrate the first round election results during late rallies

ollanta humala and keiko fujimori celebrate the first round election results during late rallies by john stezaker