
Carlos Mauricio Funes Cartagena.

Born 18 October 1959 in San Salvador.

He was nominated to be the FMLN candidate on 28 September 2007.

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Anuncios Google

mauricio funes candidato presidencial por el fmln Mauricio Funes 2009 - 2014

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El Salvador’s President Mauricio Funes and his wife Wanda Pignato at his swearing-in ceremony in San Salvador, 2 June 2009.
(Photo: Reuters/ Luis Romero)

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His mother

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Antonio Saca and Mauricio Funes

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Cumbre Centroamericana en Costa Rica

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Mauricio Funes y Lula da Silva en São Paulo- EFE

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Antonio Saca y Mauricio Funes

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US President Barack Obama called President-elect Mauricio Funes to congratulate him for winning the election. According to an Associated Press article, President Obama discussed with Funes his desire to work together on the global economic crisis, energy cooperation and security.