
tesa chavez I need a tape like this

I am not a populist. I am a democrat.

Hugo Chávez, rebutting criticism of the press.

tesa berlusconi I need a tape like this

Anuncios Google

Berlusconi. I am the best political leader in Europe and the world.
Silvio Berlusconi, former Prime Minister of Italy, during a press conference.

tesa josesocrates I need a tape like this

José Socrates. Each one will give one?s best for a fairer country, for a poorer country.
José Sócrates, Prime Minister of Portugal, addressing the Portuguese people.

tesa bush I need a tape like this
Bush. Are you going to ask that question with shades on? For the viewers there?s no sun.
George W. Bush, addressing a blind reporter during a press conference.