
Birds use nests to protect eggs and nestlings from predators and adverse weather. To minimize predation, birds may use or build nests that are inaccessible, hidden, or camouflaged. Nests may also help keep eggs and nestlings warm.

Nest building is primarily instinctive. Birds are capable of grand engineering feats. Just as birds know how to fly, they know how to build a nest without instructions or apprenticeship. It’s a matter of instinct. Birds craft their nests without consciously thinking about it. How then did some species of birds develop such well-engineered, elaborate nests? One possible explanation involves natural variation and evolution. If a particular bird happens to build a nest that is stronger or more predator-safe, that bird’s offspring are more likely to survive and pass along this trait to succeeding generations.

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Another possibility is that when females choose mates based on the quality of the nests they build, this means the best nest builders are more likely to breed. Nest-building, therefore, may still be evolving, but so slowly that no one really detects any change.

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