
DeLone is a photographer out of Rheden, Netherlands. He started out drawing as a child and then moved to photography. He captures a playfully surreal world of portrait photography; taking a whimsical look at this cast of historical figures while maintaining a high mind for the quality and execution of the images. His work focuses on portraiture with a bit of surrealism.

Delon inspires creativity by Jan Vermeer, Erwin Olaf, Jill Greenberg, David Bowie and Roxy Music.

mouse anc chees by ruadh delone

a cope by ruadh delone

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egg on table by ruadh delone

bread and milk by ruadh delone

a bottle wit an green apple by ruadh delone

3 eggs by ruadh delone

bread and beer by ruadh delone

without food by ruadh delone

cebollas by ruadh delone

girasol by ruadh delone