
Back to the Future is an awesome photo series by Buenos Aires-born Irina Werning that has been flying through the web. What makes it so enjoyable is not just that we get to see how people age, it’s that Werning gets the overall tone, mood and lighting of the two pictures to almost completely match.

It should come as no surprise that Werning received a Masters in Photographic Journalism at Westminster University in London back in 2006. Digging to get similar clothing and accessories.

Irina Werning

ibina webning

Me then and Me now

me then and me now

Anuncios Google

It’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today.

He - Man

3 Friends

3 fbiends

Ian 1984 & 2010

My teeth

my teeth



Then and now

then and now

Cecile in 1987 & 2010, France

User Net Site

Little and Old

little and old

Middle time

middle time

Same place 23 yers after

same place 23 yebs afteb

